Publication Ethics


The MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF INSTRUCTION (MDJI) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of publication ethics. These guidelines are designed to ensure the integrity of the research published in the journal and to protect the rights of authors, reviewers, and readers.

Duties of Authors

  • Originality and Authorship: Authors must ensure that the work submitted is original and does not infringe on the copyright of others. Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study.
  • Research and Data Presentation: Authors must present their research methods and results accurately and objectively. Data should be presented fairly and without manipulation.
  • Authorship Disclosure: Authors must disclose all potential conflicts of interest, including financial support for the research and any affiliations that may influence the interpretation of the results.
  • Ethical Conduct of Research: Authors must ensure that all research reported in the journal adheres to ethical research practices, including obtaining informed consent from participants and following relevant institutional ethical guidelines.
  • Multiple Submissions: Authors should not submit the same manuscript to MDJI while it is under review by another journal.

Duties of Reviewers

  • Confidentiality: Reviewers must treat all manuscripts received for review as confidential documents.
  • Objectivity: Reviewers must provide fair and objective reviews based on the quality of the research and the scientific merit of the manuscript. Personal opinions or biases should not influence the review process.
  • Disclosure of Conflicts: Reviewers must disclose any potential conflicts of interest, including any personal or professional connections to the authors or the research topic.
  • Timeliness: Reviewers should provide their reviews in a timely manner as stipulated by the journal.

Duties of Editors

  • Fairness and Objectivity: Editors are responsible for ensuring that all editorial decisions are made fairly and objectively based on the quality of the research and the relevance to the journal's scope.
  • Peer Review: Editors will ensure that all manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer-review process by qualified reviewers.
  • Confidentiality: Editors will maintain the confidentiality of all manuscripts and reviewer identities.
  • Handling of Misconduct: Editors will take appropriate action in cases of suspected misconduct, including plagiarism, data fabrication, or authorship disputes.

MDJI will follow the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines for handling cases of research misconduct.

These guidelines are intended to be a starting point, and MDJI reserves the right to update them as needed.

Additional Considerations

  • Data Sharing and Availability: MDJI may encourage authors to share their data, where possible, to promote transparency and reproducibility of research.
  • Copyright and Open Access: Authors should be aware of MDJI's copyright and open access policies. These can be found on the journal's website