Withdrawal Policy

1. Introduction

The Multidisciplinary Journal of Instruction (MDJI) recognizes the need for authors to withdraw manuscripts from consideration after submission. This policy outlines the process for withdrawing a manuscript before and after peer review.

2. Withdrawal Before Peer Review

  • Authors may withdraw their manuscript at any time before the peer review process begins.
  • To withdraw a manuscript, authors should contact the MDJI editorial office by email at [editor@mdji.org].
  • The withdrawal request should include the manuscript title and corresponding author information.
  • Once the withdrawal request is received, the editorial office will confirm the withdrawal and remove the manuscript from the review queue.

3. Withdrawal After Peer Review

  • Authors may withdraw their manuscript after the peer review process has begun, but before a final decision has been reached.
  • Withdrawing a manuscript after peer review has commenced may delay the review process for other submissions.
  • Authors are requested to carefully consider this before requesting withdrawal.
  • To withdraw a manuscript after peer review, authors should follow the same procedure as outlined in section 2.

4. After a Decision is Reached

  • Once a final decision (accept, revise and resubmit, or reject) has been reached, manuscripts cannot be withdrawn.
  • If authors have concerns about the editorial decision, they are encouraged to contact the editor-in-chief to discuss the matter.

5. Considerations for Withdrawal

  • Authors are responsible for informing all co-authors of their intent to withdraw the manuscript.
  • Withdrawing a manuscript after peer review has begun may be considered unprofessional conduct by the journal, especially if done frequently.
  • The MDJI editorial team reserves the right to implement restrictions on future submissions from authors who frequently withdraw manuscripts after peer review begins.

6. Contact Information

For any questions regarding the withdrawal policy, please contact the MDJI editorial office at [editor@mdji.org].